Grooming School For Grooms
There is a plethora of grooming schools for brides in our country, all offering elaborate programmes on ghar grihasti, personal grooming, sanskari manners, being an ideal bahu,kitchen management, table manners, social niceties, the art of conversation etc. But they offer absolutely nothing on the rights of a married woman, planned parenthood, self determination, financial independence, couple counselling or joint sessions on what makes a good marriage.
One such grooming school has three levels of training… for a perfect lady, a confident bride and a celebrity wife. The target audience is mostly rich parents (with daughters who have just graduated), eagerly waiting to dispatch their daughters off to their ‘forever’ homes.
Try doing a quick search to find if similar schools exist for grooms and you will find nothing. In Fact‘Grooming school for Grooms’ doesn’t even show up as an auto suggestion on Google. But it sure does for brides and pets.
So here’s a course for grooms at least in a comic strip — starting with beginners and obviously graduating to other levels once men get the basics right!